Deen Waypoint 'Publications' Section
Exclusive free access to all our publications and resources. Free to download and share without permission provided no changes to the original document. Our publications cover a diverse range of topics, from Tafsir to Tazkiyah and many others. Select the ‘Image’ or ‘Download’ button to download the book.
An Introduction to Surah Fatiha
This Risalah [treatise] introduces various matters related to Surah Fatiha including the other names of the Surah and the reasons behind them; the place of revelation; and guidance for how to apply these verses to our daily lives.
Rays of Protection
This Risalah [treatise] discusses the benefits of Taqwa, extracting verses from the light of the Quran and expounding upon them. Also selected Ahadith in regards to Taqwa. Methods of bringing Taqwa into ones life and examples from the lives of the pious.