Deen Waypoint 'Tazkiyah/Adab' Section
Self purification and adopting praise worthy manners is needed by all. Therefore we aim to provide a variety of articles covering these two central themes, by which we can improve ourselves and gain proximity to Allah.
Tazkiyah/Adab Section
Weekly Rays of Guidance
Extracting wisdoms, lessons and guidance from verses of the Noble Quran and Beautiful sayings of our beloved Prophet ﷺ. Each...
The Night Prayer: An Arrow of Acceptance
A famous statement attributed to Imam Shafi رَحِمَهُ اللهُ regarding Qiyām al-Layl is ‘The Supplication made at night is like...
Loving the companions of the Prophet ﷺ is from faith
Loving, revering and honouring the companions of the Prophet ﷺ is actually a matter of faith. Why Not? When the blessed...
Silence is Salvation
Our beloved Prophet ﷺ has been described as someone who would be silent for long periods of time . It...