Deen Waypoint 'Tafsir' Section
Understanding the Quran is imperative, as it contains the guidance we need to live a beneficial and productive life. At Deen Waypoint we cover the explanation of the Quran known as ‘Tafsir’. Insha Allah we will translate from classical Arabic books into english.
Tafsir Section
Tafsir of Surah Fatiha [Verse 3]
In this episode the 3rd verse of Surah Fatiha is explained. Here is a breakdown of some content that is...
Weekly Rays of Guidance
Extracting wisdoms, lessons and guidance from verses of the Noble Quran and Beautiful sayings of our beloved Prophet ﷺ. Each...
Tafsir of Surah Fatiha [Verses 1-2]
To listen on Spotify: Tafsir of Surah Fatiha A podcast on an explanation of the first chapter of The Noble...
365 days with The Noble Quran
A verse of the Quran a day to cover the entire year, 365 verses of the Quran in total with...
Virtues of Surah al-Fatiha
An overview of the podcast episode: Virtues of Surah al-Fatiha Summary Hadith mentioned in this episode: Hadith...
Names of Surah al-Fatiha
* If audio doesnt play, then listen on spotify: In this episode the names of Surah Fatiha are discussed...
The Declining Day – An explanation of Surah Asr
Surah al-Asr importance can be explained by the statement of Imam Shafi . Which is that he said 'If no...
An Introduction to Surah Fatiha
Summary of Podcast An Overview of Surah Fatiha What is Makki and Madani Beautiful symmetry of Surah Fatiha Themes Distingusing...
Backbiting – A Repulsive Sin
An article outlining the dangers of backbiting. An explanation of the famous verse of the prohibition of backbiting. Taken from...
Shunning Arrogance
Allah gives a severe warning regarding arrogance and its dangers. The below verse along with its explanation from classical, accepted...
Explanation of Isti’adha and Basmalah
Overview of Episode 2 Explanation of Isti'adha Quran and Ahadith related to Isti'adha Explanation of Basmalah Quran and Ahadith related to...
The Essential Tafsir: Introduction
An Introduction to the Essential Tafsir Podcast. Topics covered: Introduction Purpose Duration/Language Methodology Resources + Others
Virtues of Surah Baqarah – Tafsir Qurtubi
Below is an abstract taken from Tafsir Qurtubi, which outlines the virtues of Surah Baqarah. Some additional notes by the...
The matter of Jesus [Allah bless him] – Tafsir Ibn Jawzi
This article is a tafsir of the opening verses of Surah al-Imran. A large section of this chapter addresses the...
5 Uplifting Verses of Surah Nisa
The following article discusses 5 verses from Surah Nisa, which the famous companion Abdullah Ibn Masood found extremely uplifting. These...
Purpose of Creation
This article discusses the purpose of creation based on the opening verses of Surah Ahqaf. The explanation of these verses...
Protecting The Sight
Protecting the sight is a command that is stated in both The Noble Quran and also the Hadith. This article...