This article discusses an important ruling regarding the last sitting [القعود الأخير]. It is broken down into 3 parts with examples for each. Based on Hanafi Fiqh books such as Nurul Idha, Maraqi and Tahtawi. The Hanafi Fiqh Series is a series of articles outlining key rulings which are generally not known. All based on classical books on Hanafi Fiqh.
وإن سها عن القعود الأخير عاد ما لم يسجد
If someone forgets to perform the last sitting [and instead rises up], he is to return as long as he has not prostrated [done Sajdah].
[نور الإيضاح]
Key terms
[القعود الأخير] – Last sitting [Which is the sitting, just before you complete your Salah]
Table 1: Table showing the ruling for certain actions in Salah
Action |
Ruling |
‘Sitting’ for the length of Tashahhud in the last sitting |
Fardh |
Reciting the ‘entire’ Tashuhud |
Wajib |
Reciting Durood and Dua |
Sunnah |
There are 2 ‘main’ possible outcomes to this ruling. One will keep the [Fardh] Salah intact and no need to repeat. The other possible outcome is the Salah will become Nafl [optional] and will have to repeat if the Salah is a Fardh [necessary] one. |
There are 3 parts to this ruling. Each part is mentioned separately with examples
Explanation [part 1]
Firstly to understand this ruling the last sitting ‘القعود الأخير’ [sitting for at least the length of tashahud] is a Fardh [necessary] action of Salah. Also it must be performed after all the other Fardh actions.
So if someone forgets to sit the last sitting [القعود الأخير] and instead stands up, then it is Wajib to return to the sitting posture [القعود الأخير]. [This ruling only applies as long as he has not done Sajdah – This part of the ruling will be covered in part 3].
Example 1
A person is offering 4 Rakah [Fardh] Zuhr Salah. In the 4th Rakah instead of sitting for القعود الأخير, by mistake he stands up for the 5th Rakat. It is now Wajib on him to sit immediately [القعود الأخير] and complete his Salah.
Example 2
A person is offering 3 Rakah [Fardh] Maghrib Salah. In the 3rd Rakah instead of sitting for القعود الأخير, by mistake he stands up for the 4th Rakat. It is now Wajib on him to return to the sitting posture [القعود الأخير] and complete his Salah.
Explanation [part 2]
Continuing from [part 1], If the person was closer to the sitting position [meaning his knees are still bent], then he does not need to offer Sajdah al-Sahw [Prostration of forgetfulness].
However if he was closer to the standing position [meaning his legs are straightened yet back is still bent] then he must offer Sajdah al-Sahw.
If a person has fully stood up then he must also return to [القعود الأخير] and offer Sajdah al-Sahw.
The same ruling for a person who is closer to the standing posture also applies to one who has fully stood up.
[Also a person who has done Ruku in the ‘extra’ rakat may also return to the sitting posture and complete his Salah with Sajdah al-Sahw, as long as a person has not done Sajdah, he can still complete his Fardh salah].
A person was offering 4 Rakah [Fardh] Zuhr Salah. In the 4th Rakat instead of sitting for the last sitting [القعود الأخير], he stands up for the 5th Rakat. Now if he recalls whilst he is closer to the sitting position then he returns to the sitting posture and completes his Salah as normal.
However if he is closer to the standing posture then he returns to the sitting posture, recites Tashuhud, offers Sajdah al-Sahw, recites Tashahhud again followed by Durood and Dua. [Note: Sitting for the length it takes to recite Tashahhud is Fardh, Reciting Tashahhud is Wajib, Reciting Durood and Dua is Sunnah. See Table 1].
Explanation [part 3]
Continuing from [part 2], if someone mistakenly stood up and then did Sajdah, he has now concluded that Rakat and his Salah will turn into Nafl [optional]. If he was offering Fardh Salah, he will have to repeat due to missing a Fardh action.
Example 1
A person was offering 4 Rakah [Fardh] Zuhr Salah. By mistake he rises up for the 5th Rakat without sitting the last sitting [القعود الأخير]. He then offers his 5th Rakah by doing a Sajdah [as once a person has done Sajdah that Rakat is now complete], his Fardh Salah is now rendered void and he may add another Rakat [making it 6 in total – as nafl has to be an even number], which will now be turned into Nafl. He will have to repeat his Fardh Salah.
Example 2
A person was offering 3 Rakah [Fardh] Maghrib Salah. By mistake he rises up for the 4th Rakat without sitting the last sitting [القعود الأخير]. He then offers his 4th Rakah by doing a Sajdah [as once a person has done Sajdah that Rakat is now complete], his Fardh Salah is now rendered void, and will be now turned into Nafl. He will have to repeat his Fardh Salah.
Note: If one is in doubt in which Rakah he is in, then he should assume the lowest number of Rakah’s, then perform a sitting after each Rakah [as any one of them could be an even Rakah], and then perform Sajdah al-Sahw.
For example: A person is offering 4 Rakah Zuhr [Fardh] Salah. He is in doubt whether he is in 3rd Rakah or 4th Rakah. He should assume the lowest number of Rakah’s [which is the 3rd Rakah]. Then he should sit [for ‘القعود الأخير’] in both the 3rd Rakah and the 4th Rakah, as any one of them could be an even Rakah [meaning anyone of them could be the last sitting ‘القعود الأخير’]. Thereafter at the end perform Sajdah al-Sahw. [This way his Fardh Salah will be valid].
Finally if one did sit for the last sitting and then stood up [without offering the closing Salams], he is to sit and there is no need to repeat the Tashahud. Recite Durood and Dua if he wishes and then offer the closing Salams.
However if one did do Sajdah for the extra Rakah [for example 5th Rakah], then this does not invalidate his Salah, as the last sitting was performed. It is recommended to add another Rakah and offer Sajdah al-Sahw for delaying the closing Salams.
«وإن سها عن القعود الأخير عاد ما لم يسجد» لعدم استحكام خروجه من الفرض لإصلاح صلاته وبه وردت السنة عاد رسول الله ﷺ بعد قيامه إلى الخامسة وسجد للسهو ولو قعد يسيرا فقام ثم عاد كذلك فقام ثم عاد فتم به قدر التشهد صح حتى لو أتى بمناف صحت صلاته إذ لا يشترط القعود قدر بمرة واحدة «وسجد» للسهو «لتأخيره» فرض القعود «فإن» لم يعد حتى «سجد» للزائد على الفرض «صار فرضه نفلا» يرفع رأسه من السجود عند محمد وهو المختار للفتوى لاستحكام دخوله في النفل قبل إكمال الفرض وقال أبو يوسف يوضع الجبهة لأنه سجود كامل ووجه المختار أن تمام الركن بالانتقال عنه وثمرة الخلاف تظهر بسبق الحدث حال الوضع يبنى عند محمد لا عند أبي يوسف «وضم سادسة إن شاء» لأنه لم يشرع في النفل قصدا ليلزمه إتمامه بل يندب «ولو في العصر» لأن التنفل قبله قصدا لا يكره فبالظن أولى «و» ضم «رابعة في الفجر» وسكت عن المغرب لأنها تصير أربعا فلا ضم فيها «ولا كراهة في الضم فيهما» أي صلاة الفجر والمغرب لأنه تعارض كراهة التنفل بالبتيراء وكراهة الضم للوقت فتقاوما وصار كالمباح «على الصحيح» لعدم القصد حال الشروع كمن صلى ركعة تجهدًا
ولا يسجد للسهو في الأصح وإن قعد الأخير ثم قام عاد وسلم من غير إعادة التشهد فإن سجد لم يبطل فرضه وضم إليها أخرى لتصير الزائدتان له نافلة وسجد للسهو ولو سجد للسهو في شفع التطوع لم يبن شفعا آخر عليه استحبابا فإن بنى أعاد سجود السهو في المختار ولو سلم من عليه سهو فاقتدى به غيره صح إن سجد للسهو وإلا فلا يصح،
«وإن قعد» الجلوس «الأخير» قدر التشهد «ثم قام» ولو عمدا وقرأ وركع «عاد» للجلوس لأن ما دون الركعة بمحل الرفض «وسلم» فلو سلم قائما صح وترك السنة لأن السنة التسليم جالسا «من غير إعادة التشهد» لعدم بطلانه بالقيام وقال الناطفي يعيده وإذ مضى على نافلته الزائدة فالصحيح أن القوم لا يتبعونه لأن لا اتباع في البدعة وينتظرونه قعودا فإن عاد قبل تقييده الزائدة بسجدة اتبعوه في السلام «فإن سجد» سلموا للحال و«لم يبطل فرضه» لوجود الجلوس الأخير «وضم» استحبابا وقيل وجوبا «إليها» أي إلى الزائدة ركعة «أخرى» في المختار «لتصير الزائدتان» له نافلة
[ مراقي الفلاح شرح متن نور الإيضاح, المكتبة العصرية]
عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ـ رضى الله عنه ـ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم صَلَّى الظُّهْرَ خَمْسًا فَقِيلَ لَهُ أَزِيدَ فِي الصَّلاَةِ فَقَالَ “ وَمَا ذَاكَ ”. قَالَ صَلَّيْتَ خَمْسًا. فَسَجَدَ سَجْدَتَيْنِ بَعْدَ مَا سَلَّمَ.
Narrated’ `Abdullah:
Once Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) offered five rak`at in the Zuhr prayer, and somebody asked him whether there was some increase in the prayer. Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “What is that?” He said, “You have offered five rak`at.” So Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) performed two prostrations of Sahu after Taslim.
[1226: Bukhari]