Deen Waypoint 'Hadith Commentary' Section
![hadith_commentary Hadith Commentary](
The books of Ahadith are a collection of the statements of The Noble Prophet [Allah bless him]. Understanding the meaning of these blessed statements is important for various matters including Divine Law, Beliefs and Etiquettes. At Deen Waypoint, we explain Ahadith using classical, agreed upon, Arabic sources that we have translated into the English language.
Hadith Commentary Section
Weekly Rays of Guidance
Extracting wisdoms, lessons and guidance from verses of the Noble Quran and Beautiful sayings of our beloved Prophet ﷺ. Each...
Every Person will get only what they intended [Hadith 1/2]
A podcast explanaing the statement of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ 'Every person will get only what they intend'. A...
Significance and Importance of The Hadith of Intention
Summary of episode: Recital of Hadith Translation of Hadith Significane of Hadith Statements from the Salaf
The Statement of Sincerity – Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali
Taken from the treatise Kalimah al-Ikhlas by the talented scholar Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali . In this treatise he discusses the...
365 Days With The Prophet ﷺ
Wisdom and lessons from Hadith for every single day of the year. In simple and understandable language. Also how to...
An Overview to Ikhlas [Sincerity]
Discussed in the Podcast: Definition of Ikhlas Importance of Ikhlas 2 types of deeds Verses of Quran on Ikhlas Summary...
An Abridged Study of Riyad us-Saliheen
An Introduction to the Book and author. The following is discussed in the podcast: The privilege of studying Hadith An...
An Introduction to Sincerity
An introduction to the aspect and importance of sincerity, known in Arabic as 'Ikhlas'. Having sincerity in all our worship...
An explanation of the 40 Hadith of Nawawi
The 40 Ahadith of Imam Nawawi in known across the globe. The 40 Ahadith he has selected are known for...
Answering Objections to Sahih Bukhari
Sahih Bukhari is famous across the globe. Known for its authenticity and stringent conditions. This book is truly a masterpiece....
Having a Sincere Intention Matters
An Introduction to the famous hadith of Intention. This hadith is reagarded as one of the foundations of all actions,...