An article on the biography of the famous companion from Persia, Salman Farsi [Allah bless him]. His biography is very inspirational, and his desire & motivation to seek the truth is a great lesson for us all. Many other lessons can be derived from his biography. The article starts with a brief introduction to the blessed group, the companions of The Prophet [Allah bless him], some verses of Quran and Hadith regarding them.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
‘In the name of Allah, the most merciful and beneficent’
الحمد للَّه والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله، وعلى آله وصحبه ومن اتبع هداه وبعد فإن الأمم الحية الناهضة تهتم بتاريخها، وتعتنى بدراسته دراسة فاحصة تكشف كل ما تضمنه من آثار وأسرار وأخبار، وتجلو ما فيه من عبر ينتفع بها أولو الأبصار.
All praise is due to Almighty Allah and peace and blessings upon The Messenger of Allah, upon his family, companions and those who follow his guidance. Indeed, the living concerned nation cares about its history and examines it through careful study, revealing all the traces, secrets and news it contains. Furthermore it makes clear all that which is encompassed in it, from lessons to benefit from for the people of understanding.
وأمة العرب أمة ناهضة ازدهر تاريخها منذ الإسلام، وكان لها في قارات العالم أثر أي أثر, كان لها أثر في آسيا وفي إفريقيا وفي أوروبا, لقد حملت إلى هذه القارات مشاعل الهداية والعلم, والحضارة والمدنية، حملت إليها الرسالة المحمدية بكل مبادئها وتعاليمها وفضائلها ومثلها، وأثرت فيها تأثيرا كبيرا.
As for the Arab nation, there are a concerned nation whose history has flourished since Islam. The Arabs – Sahabah – have had an impact on the continents of the world such as Asia, Africa and Europe. The Arabs carried to these continents the torches of guidance and knowledge. TThey also carried the divine message with all its etiquettes, teachings and virtues and had a great impact on these continents.
والشخصيات التي حملت هذا العبء بعد صاحب الرسالة هي شخصيات الصحابة أولئك الذين كانوا مفخرة العالم، وهداة الإنسانية، وروادها الأفاضل. ولا عجب فقد كان لهم الفضل عليها حين حملوا إليها تعاليم الرسالة وصورة الرسول متمثلة في أقوالهم وأفعالهم ورواياتهم.
The personalities that carried the responsibility after The Messenger of Allah ﷺ are The Noble Sahabah – the pride of the world, dignity of humanity and honourable leaders. This is not surprising; surely they will have virtue when they carried the teachings of the message and the way of the Messenger, representing The Messenger of Allah ﷺ in their speech, actions and manners.
كفى الصحابة تنويها بهم وإشادة بفضلهم قوله تعالى:
The following statement of Almighty Allah suffices the Sahabah in terms of praise and virtue:
مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ الله والَّذِينَ مَعَهُ أشِدّاءُ عَلى الكُفّارِ رُحَماءُ بَيْنَهُمْ تَراهُمْ رُكَّعًا سُجَّدًا يَبْتَغُونَ فَضْلًا من الله ورِضْوانًا سِيماهُمْ في وُجُوهِهِمْ من أثَرِ السُّجُودِ ذلِكَ مَثَلُهُمْ في التَّوْراةِ ومَثَلُهُمْ في الإنْجِيلِ كَزَرْعٍ أخْرَجَ شَطْأهُ فَآزَرَهُ فاسْتَغْلَظَ فاسْتَوى عَلى سُوقِهِ يُعْجِبُ الزُّرّاعَ لِيَغِيظَ بِهِمُ الكُفّارَ وعَدَ الله الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وعَمِلُوا الصّالِحاتِ مِنهُمْ مَغْفِرَةً وأجْرًا عَظِيمًا. [48:29]
Muḥammad is the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. And those with him are firm with the disbelievers and compassionate with one another. You see them bowing and prostrating ˹in prayer˺, seeking Allah’s bounty and pleasure. The sign ˹of brightness can be seen˺ on their faces from the trace of prostrating ˹in prayer˺. This is their description in the Torah. And their parable in the Gospel is that of a seed that sprouts its ˹tiny˺ branches, making it strong. Then it becomes thick, standing firmly on its stem, to the delight of the planters — in this way Allah makes the believers a source of dismay for the disbelievers. To those of them who believe and do good, Allah has promised forgiveness and a great reward.
Allah also says –
لِلْفُقَراءِ المُهاجِرِينَ الَّذِينَ أُخْرِجُوا من دِيارِهِمْ وأمْوالِهِمْ يَبْتَغُونَ فَضْلًا من الله ورِضْوانًا ويَنْصُرُونَ الله ورَسُولَهُ أُولئِكَ هُمُ الصّادِقُونَ، والَّذِينَ تَبَوَّؤُا الدّارَ والإيمانَ من قَبْلِهِمْ يُحِبُّونَ من هاجَرَ إلَيْهِمْ ولا يَجِدُونَ في صُدُورِهِمْ حاجَةً مِمّا أُوتُوا ويُؤْثِرُونَ عَلى أنْفُسِهِمْ ولَوْ كانَ بِهِمْ خَصاصَةٌ ومن يُوقَ شُحَّ نَفْسِهِ فَأُولئِكَ هُمُ المُفْلِحُونَ، والَّذِينَ جاؤُ من بَعْدِهِمْ يَقُولُونَ رَبَّنا اغْفِرْ لَنا ولِإخْوانِنا الَّذِينَ سَبَقُونا بِالإيمانِ ولا تَجْعَلْ في قُلُوبِنا غِلًّا لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا رَبَّنا إنَّكَ رَؤُفٌ رَحِيمٌ
˹Some of the gains will be˺ for poor emigrants who were driven out of their homes and wealth, seeking Allah’s bounty and pleasure, and standing up for Allah and His Messenger. They are the ones true in faith.
As for those who had settled in the city and ˹embraced˺ the faith before ˹the arrival of˺ the emigrants, they love whoever immigrates to them, never having a desire in their hearts for whatever ˹of the gains˺ is given to the emigrants. They give ˹the emigrants˺ preference over themselves even though they may be in need. And whoever is saved from the selfishness of their own souls, it is they who are ˹truly˺ successful.
And those who come after them will pray, “Our Lord! Forgive us and our fellow believers who preceded us in faith, and do not allow bitterness into our hearts towards those who believe. Our Lord! Indeed, You are Ever Gracious, Most Merciful.” [59: 8-10]
Another verse in praise of the Sahabah:
السّابِقُونَ الأوَّلُونَ من المُهاجِرِينَ والأنْصارِ والَّذِينَ اتَّبَعُوهُمْ بِإحْسانٍ ﵃ ورَضُوا عَنْهُ وأعَدَّ لَهُمْ جَنّاتٍ تَجْرِي تَحْتَها الأنْهارُ خالِدِينَ فِيها أبَدًا ذلِكَ الفَوْزُ العَظِيمُ
The Sahabah have also been praised by The Noble Prophet ﷺ
الله الله في أصحابى لا تتخذوهم غرضا بعدي فمن أحبهم فبحبي أحبهم ومن أبغضهم فببغضي أبغضهم ومن آذاهم فقد آذاني ومن آذاني فقد آذى الله ومن آذى الله يوشك أن يأخذه
‘(Fear) Allah! (Fear) Allah regarding my Companions! Do not make them objects of insults after me. Whoever loves them, it is out of love of me that he loves them. And whoever hates them, it is out of hatred for me that he hates them. And whoever harms them, he has harmed me, and whoever harms me, he has offended Allah, and whoever offends Allah, [then] he shall soon be punished.’
There are many clear narrations from The Prophet ﷺ, in praise of the Sahabah. In fact, there are entire chapters and books in praise of the Sahabah! [1]
The following is a document on the biography of Salman Farsi رضي الله عنه.
The author has used the following books for this document:
Book Name |
Author and Madhab |
Date of Death |
Usdul Ghabah | Imam Ibn Athir – Shafi | 630 AH |
Isti’aab fi Ma’rifat As’hab | Imam Ibn Abdil Bar – Maliki | 463 AH |
Isabah fi Tamyiz Sahaba | Imam Ibn Hajar – Shafi | 852 AH |
Siyar A’lam Nubala | Imam Dhahabi – Shafi | 748 AH |
[1] – Usdul Ghabah, Vol:1, Page 3, Darul Fikr – Beirut
سلمان الفارسي، أبُو عَبْد اللَّهِ، ويعرف بسلمان الخير، مولى رَسُول اللَّهِ ﷺ وسئل عَنْ نسبه فقال: أنا سلمان بْن الإسلام. أصله من فارس، من رامهرمز، وقيل إنه من جي، وهي مدينة أصفهان.
He is Salman al-Farsi, the father of Abdullah – also known as Salman al-Khair (Goodness)- the freed slave of The Messenger of Allah ﷺ. When asked regarding his lineage, he replied: ‘I am Salman, son of Islam’. He is of Persian origin, from Rahmuz. It is also said he is from Asfahan which is today commonly known to the Persians as Shahristan. [1]
وقال ابن حبان: من زعم أن سلمان الخير آخر فقد وهم
Ibn Hiban رضي الله عنه said: ‘Whoever claims that Salman al-Khair is a different Salman has made an error.’ [2]
وكان سلمان يطلب دين الله تعالى، ويتبع من يرجو ذَلِكَ عنده، فدان بالنصرانية وغيرها، وقرأ الكتب، وصبر في ذَلِكَ على مشقات نالته، وذلك كله مذكور في خبر إسلامه.
وذكر سليمان التيمي، عن أبي عثمان النهدي، عن سلمان الفارسي أنه تداوله في ذَلِكَ بضعة عشر ربا، من رب إلى رب، حتى أفضى إلى النبي ﷺ ومن الله عليه بالإسلام.
[1] – Usdul Ghabah, Vol:2, pg:265
[2] – Isabah fi Tamyiz Sahaba, Vol:3, Pg: 119
‘Salman Farsi رضي الله عنه went in search of the religion of Allah, and he رضي الله عنه followed those who wished for the same. He encountered Christianity and other religions and studied their books [Torah and Injeel]. He remained steadfast upon the difficulties he encountered. This has been mentioned in his biography.
It has been mentioned in a narration that Salman Farsi رضي الله عنه circulated between over 20 masters [in search of the religion of Allah] until he reached Rasulullah ﷺ and Allah favoured him with Islam. [1]
وكان ببلاد فارس مجوسيًا سادن النار، وكان سبب إسلامه ما أخْبَرَنا عَنِ ابْنِ عَبّاسٍ، قالَ: حَدَّثَنِي سَلْمانُ قالَ:
He was from the country Persia (Iran) and was a fire worshiper who used to safeguard the fire, making sure it remained lit. The cause of his entering into the fold of Islam has been mentioned in a narration of Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنه , who narrated that Salman رضي الله عنه said:
[1] – Isti’aab fi Ma’rifatil Ashab, Vol:2, Pg:634
كُنْتُ رَجُلًا مِن أهْلِ فارِسَ مِن أصْبَهانَ، أجْلَسَنِي فِي البَيْتِ كالجَوارِي، فاْجتَهَدْتُ في الفارسية- وفي حديث على بن جابر: فِي المَجُوسِيَّةِ- فَكُنْتُ فِي النّارِ الَّتِي تُوقَدُ فَلا تَخْبُو، وكانَ أبِي صاحِبَ ضَيْعَةٍ، وكانَ لَهُ بِناءٌ يُعالِجُهُ- زادَ ابْنُ إدْرِيسَ فِي حَدِيثِهِ: فِي دارِهِ- فَقالَ لِي يَوْمًا: يا بُنَيَّ، قَدْ شَغَلَنِي ما تَرى فانْطَلِقْ إلى الضَّيْعَةِ، ولا تَحْتَبِسْ فَتَشْغِلْنِي عَنْ كُلِّ ضَيْعَةٍ بِهَمِّي بِكَ، فَخَرَجْتُ لِذَلِكَ فَمَرَرْتُ بِكَنِيسَةِ النَّصارى وهُمْ يُصَلُّونَ، فَمِلْتُ إلَيْهِمْ وأعْجَبَنِي أمْرُهُمْ، وقُلْتُ- هَذا واللَّهِ خَيْرٌ مِن دِينِنا. فَأقَمْتُ عِنْدَهُمْ حَتّى غابَتِ الشَّمْسُ، لا أنا أتَيْتُ الضَّيْعَةَ، ولا رَجَعْتُ إلَيْهِ، فاسْتَبْطَأنِي وبَعَثَ رُسُلًا فِي طَلَبِي، وقَدْ قُلْتُ لِلنَّصارى حِينَ أعْجَبَنِي أمْرُهُمْ: أيْنَ أصْلُ هَذا الدِّينِ؟ قالُوا: بِالشّامِ.
‘I was from Persia from Asfahan, [My Father] made me in charge of the fire. I exhausted my efforts in making sure it is ignited and does not die out. This was my responsibility.
My father once said to me one day: ‘My Child, I am occupied with this work that you see, so go to the house [fire]. So I went out for that and passed by a Church of the Christians and they were offering prayers (Christian Worship). So I was inclined towards them (Christians) and was amazed by them. So I said (within myself): ‘This by Allah is better than our religion, so I stayed watching until the sun had set. I did not go to the fire nor return to it. I asked the Christians – what is the origin of this religion? They said: Sham. [My father] sent people in search of me.’
فَرَجَعْتُ إلى والِدِي، فَقالَ: يا بُنَيَّ، قَدْ بَعَثْتُ إلَيْكَ رُسُلًا، فَقُلْتُ: مَرَرْتُ بِقَوْمٍ يُصَلِّونَ فِي كَنِيسَةٍ، فَأعْجَبَنِي ما رَأيْتُ مِن أمْرِهِمْ، وعَلِمْتُ أنَّ دِينَهُمْ خَيْرٌ مِن دِينِنا. فَقالَ: يا بُنَيَّ، دِينُكَ ودِينُ آبائِكَ خَيْرٌ مِن دِينِهِمْ، فقلت: كلا والله. فخافني وقيّدنى.
‘Thereafter, I returned to my father who said to me: I sent people in search of you. So I replied: I passed by a group/nation who were offering prayers in the church and I was amazed by what I saw. I knew that their religion is better than our religion. So he retorted and said: our religion and the religion of our forefathers is better than their religion. So I replied [immediately]: No by Allah [their religion is better]. So he became fearful of me and he binded me.’
فبعث إلى النَّصارى وأعْلَمْتُهُمْ ما وافَقَنِي مِن أمْرِهِمْ، وسَألْتُهُمْ إعْلامِي مَن يُرِيدُ الشّامَ، فَفَعَلُوا. فَألْقَيْتُ الحَدِيدَ مِن رِجْلِي، وخَرَجْتُ مَعَهُمْ، حَتّى أتَيْتُ الشّامَ، فَسَألْتُهُمْ عَنْ عالِمِهِمْ، فَقالُوا: الأُسْقُفُّ، فَأتَيْتُهُ، فَأخْبَرْتُهُ، وقُلْتُ: أكُونُ مَعَكَ أخْدِمُكَ وأُصَلِّي مَعَكَ؟ قالَ: أقِمْ.
“So thereafter, I sent a message to the Christians and informed them of what occured to me. I asked them to inform me of whoever intends to go to Sham. So they did so. I managed to remove the iron from my feet that was binded to me and left with them until I reached Sham. I asked them regarding who their scholars are and they replied ‘Usquf’. So I went to him and said: Can I stay with you so I can serve and pray with you? He replied: Stay with me.”
فَمَكَثْتُ مَعَ رَجُلٍ سُوءٍ فِي دينه، كان يَأْمُرُهُمْ بِالصَّدَقَةِ، فَإذا أعْطَوْهُ شَيْئًا أمْسَكَهُ لِنَفْسِهِ، حَتّى جَمَعَ سَبْعَ قِلالٍ مَمْلُوءَةٍ ذَهَبًا ووَرِقًا، فَتُوُفِّيَ، فَأخْبَرْتُهُمْ بِخَبَرِهِ، فَزَبَرُونِي [١]، فَدَلَلْتُهُمْ عَلى مالِهِ فَصَلَبُوهُ، ولَمْ يُغَيِّبُوهُ ورَجَمُوهُ، وأحَلُّوا مَكانَهُ رَجُلًا فاضِلًا فِي دِينِهِ زُهْدًا ورَغْبَةً فِي الآخِرَةِ وصَلاحًا، فَألْقى اللَّهُ حُبَّهُ فِي قَلْبِي، حَتّى حضرته الوفاة، فقلت: أوصى، فَذَكَرَ رَجُلًا بِالمَوْصِلِ، وكُنّا عَلى أمْرٍ واحِدٍ حَتّى هَلَكَ.
‘I stayed with him and he was an evil man with regards to his religion. He used to instruct them to give charity and when the people used to give it to him, he kept it for himself. He did this until he had stored seven heaps full of gold and silver. I continued to stay with him until he passed away. I informed them thereafter regarding this and this shocked them. I indicated to them where the wealth was stacked so they decided to crucify him, pelt his body and not bury him. Thereafter another man took his place who was good in his religion, disconnected from the world, and a man working for the hereafter. Allah placed his love in my heart until death came close to him. So I said to him, ‘Direct me,’ and he mentioned a person in Mawsil. We were on one matter [same belief] until he passed away.’
فَأتَيْتُ المَوْصِلَ، فَلَقِيتُ الرَّجُلَ، فَأخْبَرْتُهُ بِخَبَرِي، وأنَّ فُلانًا أمَرَنِي بِإتْيانِكَ، فَقالَ:
أقِمْ. فَوَجَدْتُهُ عَلى سَبِيلِهِ وأمْرِهِ حَتّى حَضَرَتْهُ الوَفاةُ، فقلت له: أوصى، فَقالَ: ما أعْرِفُ أحَدًا عَلى ما نَحْنُ عَلَيْهِ إلا رَجُلًا بِعَمُورِيَّةَ.
‘I then came to Mawsil and met a man and informed him of my state. I told him that I had been instructed to stay with him and he gave me permission to stay. I found that he was on the same path [as the previous scholar] until death approached him. I asked him to direct me [to someone else]. He said: ‘I do not know of anyone who is upon what we are on except for a man in Amuriyah.’
فَأتَيْتُهُ بِعَمُورِيَّةَ، فَأخْبَرْتُهُ بِخَبَرِي، فَأمَرَنِي بِالمَقامِ وثابَ لِي شَيْءٌ، واتَّخَذْتُ غَنِيمَةً وبُقَيْراتٍ، فَحَضَرَتْهُ الوَفاةُ فَقُلْتُ: إلى مَن تُوصِي بِي؟ فَقالَ: لا أعْلَمُ أحَدًا اليَوْمَ عَلى مِثْلِ ما كُنّا عَلَيْهِ، ولَكِنْ قَدْ أظلك نبي يبعث بدين إبْراهِيم الحنيفية، مهاجره بأرض ذات نخل، وبه آيات وعلامات لا تخفى، بين منكبيه خاتم النبوّة، يأكل الهدية ولا يأكل الصدقة، فإن استطعت فتخلص إليه. فتوفي.
‘So I went to Amuriyah and informed him of what had happened to me. He then commanded me to stay and came back to me with spoils which I took. Death then approached him so I said: ‘To where will you direct me?’ He said: ‘I do not know of anyone today that is on what we are on [our religion]. However, the time is approaching that a Prophet will be sent [by Allah] who will be on the religion of Ibrahim عليه السلام. He will emigrate to a land of date palms and will have signs and indications that can be seen. Between his shoulders is the seal of prophethood. He will eat from gifts but will not eat from charity. If you are able to, devote yourself sincerely to him.’ He then passed away.’
فمر بي ركب من العرب، من كلب، فقلت: أصحبكم وأعطيكم بقراتي وغنمي هذه، وتحملوني إلى بلادكم؟ فحملوني إلى وادي القرى، فباعوني من رجل من اليهود، فرأيت النخل، فعلمت أنَّهُ البلد الذي وصف لي، فأقمت عند الذي اشتراني، وقدم عليه رجل من بنى قريظة فاشتراني منه، وقدم بي المدينة، فعرفتها بصفتها، فأقمت معه أعمل في نخله، وبعث اللَّه نبيه ﷺ، وغفلت عَنْ ذلك حتى قدم المدينة، فنزل في بني عمرو بْن عوف، فأني لفي رأس نخلة إذ أقبل ابن عم لصاحبي، فقال: أي فلان، قاتل اللَّه بني قيلة [٢]، مررت بهم آنفًا وهم مجتمعون عَلى رجل قدم عليهم من مكة، يزعم أنَّهُ نبي، فو الّذي ما هو إلا أن سمعتها، فأخذني القر [٣] ورجفت بي النخلة، حتى كدت أن أسقط، ونزلت سريعا، فقلت: ما هذا الخير؟
‘I passed by a group of Arabs from Kilb and said to them: ‘Can I be your companion [travel with you] and I will give you these spoils [in return]?’ They took me to the valley of Qura’ and sold me to a Jew. I then saw the date palms and I knew with conviction that this is the place that was described to me. I stayed with the Jew who eventually sold me to a man from Bani Quraizhah who took me to Madinah. I recognised it from its description, and I stayed there working for him on the date palms. Allah then sent His Messenger ﷺ. I remained unaware of this until The Messenger ﷺ came to Madinah and stayed with Amr’ Ibn Awf. Once I was climbing the date palm when a man came to his cousin and said: ‘O’ Man – destruction is for our people.’ I went to them and they were gathered around a man who informed them of a Man who had come to them from Makkah and claimed to be a Prophet. By Allah, when I heard that, I grabbed my garment and I was shaking until I almost fell. I came down quickly and said: ‘What is this news?’
فلكمني صاحبي لكمة، وقال: وما أنت وذاك؟ أقبل عَلى شأنك. فأقبلت عَلى عملي حتى أمسيت، فجمعت شيئًا فأتيته به، وهو بقباء عند أصحابه، فقلت: اجتمع عندي، أردت أن أتصدق به، فبلغني أنك رجل صالح، ومعك رجال من أصحابك ذوو حاجة، فرأيتكم أحق به، فوضعته بين يديه، فكف يديه، وقال لأصحابه: كلوا. فأكلوا، فقلت: هذه واحدة، ورجعت.
‘My companion slapped me and said: ‘What is wrong with you? Continue doing your work.’ So I continued doing my work until the evening. I managed to gather some things and brought it to The Prophet ﷺ whilst He was by Quba’ with His companions. I said: ‘I have gathered some things and I intend that I give it to you as charity as it has reached me that you are a pious man. Also your companions are in need and have more of a right than me.’ I then presented it in front of him. He withheld his hand and said to his companions: ‘eat and drink.’ I said to myself that this is one of the signs. I then returned [home].’
وتحول إلى المدينة، فجمعت شيئًا فأتيته به، فقلت: هاتان اثنتان، ورجعت.
‘I then went around Madinah and gathered something [food and drink] and gave it to Him. [He ﷺ took it and ate from it] I then said: ‘This is the second sign,’ and then I returned home.
فأتيته وقد تبع جنازة في بقيع الغرقد، وحوله أصحابه، فسلمت، وتحولت أنظر إلى الخاتم في ظهره، فعلم ما أردت، فألقى رداءه، فرأيت الخاتم، فقبلته، وبكيت، فأجلسني بين يديه، فحدثته بشأني كله كما حدثتك يا ابن عباس، فأعجبه ذلك، وأحب أن يسمعه أصحابه، ففاتني معه بدر وأحد بالرق، فقال لي: كاتب يا سلمان عَنْ نفسك، فلم أزل بصاحبي حتى كاتبته، على أن أغرس له ثلاثمائة ودية [١] وعلى أربعين أوقية من ذهب،
The next day I came to Him and He was following a Janazah in Baqi’. His companions were around him. I made Salaam to them and turned around to look at his back to see the seal of Prophethood. He ﷺ knew what I intended, so he lifted his garment and I saw the seal. I kissed it and began crying profusely. He then made me sit by him and asked me regarding my story. I then narrated the entire story and He ﷺ was amazed by it and wanted His companions to listen to it. I didn’t participate in the expeditions of Badr and Uhud due to being in slavery, so He ﷺ said to me, ‘Free yourself Salman [By agreeing on a fee with the master].’ I thus stayed with my master until he stipulated that I plant 300 small date palms and give 40 Gold coins [in return of my release].
فقال النَّبِيّ ﷺ: أعينوا أخاكم بالنخل، فأعانوني بالخمس والعشر، حتى اجتمع لي، فقال لي: فقر [٢] لها ولا تضع منها شيئًا حتى أضعه بيدي، ففعلت، فأعانني أصحابي حتى فرغت، فأتيته، فكنت آتيه بالنخلة فيضعها، ويسوي عليها ترابًا، فانصرف، والذي بعثه بالحق فما ماتت منها واحدة، وبقي الذهب، فبينما هو قاعد إذ أتاه رجل من أصحابه بمثل البيضة، من ذهب أصابه من بعض المعادن، فقال: ادع سلمان المسكين الفارسي المكاتب، فقال: أد هذه، فقلت:
Consequently, The Noble Prophet ﷺ said: ‘Help your brother with regards to the date palms.’ The companions رضي الله عنهم helped me with a fifth and a tenth until they gathered it for me. He ﷺ said: ‘Dig [the ground] and do not place anything in it until I place my hand in it.’ I did as He ﷺ told me to do. My companions helped me until I had finished [digging]. The Prophet ﷺ then came and planted the seeds and straightened the soil. Not even one date palm had died. Now only the gold was left. Whilst He ﷺ was sitting with us, a man came from His companions with gold which he got from the mines. He said: ‘Give this to Salman al-Farisi’. Rasulullah ﷺ then told me to give this wealth [to my master].
وروى أبُو الطفيل، عَنْ سلمان، قال: أعانني رَسُول اللَّهِ ﷺ ببيضة من ذهب، فلو وزنت بأحد لكانت أثقل منه. وأول مشاهده مع رسول الله ﷺ الخندق، ولم يتخلف عَنْ مشهد بعد الخندق، وآخى رَسُول اللَّهِ ﷺ بينه، وبين أبِي الدرداء
Abu Tufail رضي الله عنه narrated from Salman رضي الله عنه : ‘The Messenger of Allah ﷺ helped me with gold and if I were to weigh it against mount Uhud, it would have been more weightier than that.’ The first expedition he took part in with The Messenger of Allah ﷺ was Khandaq. Thereafter he never missed a single battle. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ paired him up with Abu Darda رضي الله عنه [This was when the people of Makkah migrated to Madinah and then established brotherhood between them. So Nabi ﷺ paired the people of Makkah with the people of Madinah.] [1]
In another narration –
عَنْ عَبْدِ الله ابن بريدة، عن أبيه، أنّ سلمان الفارِسِيّ أتى إلى رَسُولِ اللَّهِ ﷺ بِصَدَقَةٍ، فَقالَ: هَذِهِ صَدَقَةٌ عَلَيْكَ وعَلى أصْحابِكَ. فَقالَ: يا سَلْمانُ، إنّا- أهْلَ البَيْتِ- لا تَحِلُّ لَنا الصَّدَقَةُ. فَرَفَعَها ثُمَّ جاءَ مِنَ الغَدِ بِمِثْلِها، فَقالَ: هَذِهِ هَدِيَّةٌ. فَقالَ ﷺ لأصْحابِهِ: كُلُوا، فاشْتَراهُ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ من قوم، من اليَهُودِ بِكَذا وكَذا دِرْهَمًا، وعَلى أنْ يَغْرِسَ لهم كذا وكذا من النخل بعمل فِيها سَلْمانُ حَتّى تُدْرِكَ، فَغَرَسَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ النَّخْلَ كُلَّهُ إلا نَخْلَةً واحِدَةً غَرَسَها عُمَرُ، فَأطْعَمَ النَّخْلَ كُلَّهُ إلا تِلْكَ النَّخْلَةَ، فَقالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ:
It has been narrated regarding Salman Farsi رضي الله عنه that he presented The Noble Messenger of Allah ﷺ with charity, and said that this is charity for You and Your Companions [Allah be pleased with them all]. He ﷺ said: ‘Salman, we are from Ahlul-Bait and charity is not lawful for us.’ Salman رضي الله عنه withdrew and then came the next day with a similar amount. Salman رضي الله عنه said, ‘This is a gift’. Rasulullah ﷺ told his companions to eat. Rasulullah ﷺ freed Salman رضي الله عنه from a Jew for a stipulated amount of money and on the condition that he plants for them a stipulated amount of date palms. The Noble Messenger of Allah ﷺ planted all of the date palms besides one, which was planted by Umar رضي الله عنه, and they all bore fruit besides that one. Rasulullah ﷺ asked:
مَن غَرَسَها؟ فَقالُوا: عُمَرُ. فَقَلَعَها رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ وغَرَسَها، فَأطْعَمَتْ مِن عامِها. وذَكَرَ مَعْمَرٌ، عَنْ رَجُلٍ مِن أصْحابِهِ، قالَ: دَخَلَ قَوْمٌ عَلى سَلْمانَ، وهُوَ أمِيرٌ عَلى المَدائِنِ وهُوَ يَعْمَلُ هَذا الخُوصَ، فَقِيلَ لَهُ: لِمَ تَعْمَلُ هَذا وأنْتَ أمِيرٌ يَجْرِي عَلَيْكَ رِزْقٌ؟ فَقالَ: إنِّي أُحِبُّ أنْ آكُلَ مِن عَمَلِ يَدِي.
‘Who planted it?’ They said: ‘Umar رضي الله عنه.’ He ﷺ uprooted and replanted it. That date-palm bore fruit that year. Ma’mar [Allah be pleased with him] reported from a companion who said: A group entered upon Salman رضي الله عنه whilst he was the owner of the fields and was working on the plants. It was said to him, ‘ Why do you work [yourself] when you are the owner and provisions come to you?’ He رضي الله عنه replied, ‘ I love to eat from the work of my own hands’. [1]
[1] – Usdul Ghabah, Vol:2, Pg: 265-267
Hadith Narrated by Salman رضي الله عنه:
عَنْ سَلْمانَ الفارِسِيِّ أن النبي ﷺ، قال: مَنِ اغْتَسَلَ يَوْمَ الجُمُعَةِ فَتَطَهَّرَ بِما اسْتَطاعَ مِنَ الطُّهْرِ، ثُمَّ ادَّهَنَ مِن دُهْنِهِ أوْ مِن طِيبِ بَيْتِهِ، ولَمْ يُفَرِّقْ بَيْنَ اثْنَيْنِ، فَإذا خَرَجَ الإمامُ أنْصَتَ، غُفِرَ لَهُ ما بَيْنَهُ وبَيْنَ الجُمُعَةِ الأُخْرى.
“Anyone who takes a bath on Friday and cleans himself as much as he can and puts oil (on his hair) or scents himself; and then proceeds for the prayer and does not force his way between two persons (assembled in the mosque for the Friday prayer), and prays as much as is written for him and remains quiet when the Imam delivers the Khutba, all his sins in between the present and the last Friday will be forgiven.” [Sahih Bukhari]
[1] – Isti’aab fi Ma’rifatil As’hab, Vol:2, Pg:634-635
Hadith Narrated regarding Salman رضي الله عنه
عَنْ أنَسِ بْنِ مالِكٍ، قالَ:
قالَ رَسُول اللَّهِ ﷺ: إنَّ الجَنَّةَ تَشْتاقُ إلى ثَلاثَةٍ: عَلِيٍّ وعَمّارٍ وسَلْمانَ.
‘Indeed, Paradise longs for three: ‘Ali, ‘Ammar, and Salman.” [Tirmidhi – Classification: Gharib]
كان سلمان من خيار الصحابة وزهّادهم وفضلائهم، وذوي القرب من رَسُول اللَّهِ قالت عائشة: كان لسلمان مجلس من رَسُول اللَّهِ ﷺ بالليل، حتى كاد يغلبنا على رسول الله.
وسئل عَلى عَنْ سلمان، فقال: علم العلم الأول والعلم الآخر، وهو بحر لا ينزف، وهو منا أهل البيت.
Salman رضي الله عنه was from the eminent and virtuous companions. He distanced himself from the world and stayed very close to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Aaisha رضي الله عنها says: ‘Salman رضي الله عنه used to participate in the evening gatherings of The Prophet ﷺ until it seemed that he would overpower us with regards to the Prophet ﷺ.’ When Ali رضي الله عنه was asked regarding Salman رضي الله عنه’, he said: ‘He has knowledge of the previous scriptures and our scripture. He is an ocean that has no shore and he is from the Ahlul-Bait.’
وهو الذي أشار عَلى رَسُول اللَّهِ ﷺ بحفر الخندق لما جاءت الأحزاب، فلما أمر رَسُول اللَّهِ بحفره احتج المهاجرون والأنصار في سلمان، وكان رجلًا قويًا، فقال المهاجرون: سلمان منا، وقال الأنصار: سلمان منا، فقال رَسُول اللَّهِ ﷺ: سلمان منا أهل البيت.
Salman رضي الله عنه was the one who advised The Messenger of Allah ﷺ regarding the digging of trenches when the combined forces came (Ahzab). When The Messenger of Allah ﷺ gave the order to dig the trenches, the Muhajir and Ansar debated over Salman رضي الله عنه. The Muhajir said: ‘Salman رضي الله عنه is from us,’ and the Ansar claimed the same. Rasulullah ﷺ [settled the debate by stating]: ‘Salman رضي الله عنه is from us, from the Ahlul-Bait’.
وتوفي سنة خمس وثلاثين، في آخر خلافة عثمان. قال العباس بْن يَزِيدَ: قال أهل العلم: عاش سلمان ثلاثمائة وخمسين سنة. قال أبُو نعيم: كان سلمان من المعمرين، يقال: إنه أدرك عِيسى بْن مريم! وقرأ الكتابين، وكان له ثلاث بنات: بنت بأصبهان، وزعم جماعة أنهم من ولدها، وابنتان بمصر.
He passed away in the 35th year of Hijrah, at the end of the Caliphate of Uthmaan رضي الله عنه . Abbas bin Yazeed has stated that the people of knowledge say that Salman رضي الله عنه lived for 350 years. Abu Nu’aym has stated that Salman رضي الله عنه is from those who have been given a long life. It is said that he met Eesa bin Maryam عليه السلام and read the two books. He had three daughters: one in Isfahan- and a group claimed that the people of Isfahan are from her offspring- and two daughters in Egypt. [1]
[1] – Usdul Ghabah, Vol:2, Pg:268
خرج عطاؤه تصدق به ويأكل من عمل يده، وكانت له عباءة يفترش بعضها ويلبس بعضها.
A narration from Hasan Basri رضي الله عنه: The produce of the date palm field of Salman رضي الله عنه was 5000 dates, from which he would give in charity and eat. He had a cloak which he would use as a garment and as bedding.
ورَوى أبُو جُحَيْفَةَ أنَّ سَلْمانَ جاءَ يَزُورُ أبا الدَّرْداءِ فَرَأى أُمَّ الدَّرْداءِ مُبْتَذَلَةً فَقالَ: ما شَأْنُكِ؟ قالَتْ: إنَّ أخاكَ لَيْسَ لَهُ حاجَةٌ فِي شَيْءٍ مِنَ الدُّنْيا. قالَ:
Abu Juhaifah رضي الله عنه narrated that once Salman رضي الله عنه went to visit Abu Darda رضي الله عنه. When he saw that Umme Darda رضي الله عنها was in a dishevelled state, he asked her about her condition. She said that indeed your brother has no need for this world. He said:
فَلَمّا جاءَ أبُو الدَّرْداءِ رَحَّبَ سلمان وقَرَّبَ لَهُ طَعامًا. قالَ سَلْمانُ: اطْعَمْ. قالَ:
إنِّي صائِمٌ. قالَ: أقْسَمْتُ عَلَيْكَ إلا ما طَعِمْتَ، إنِّي لَسْتُ بِآكِلٍ حَتّى تَطْعَمَ.
قالَ: وباتَ سَلْمانُ عِنْدَ أبِي الدَّرْداءِ، فَلَمّا كانَ الليل قام أبو الدرداء فحبسه سلمان.
قالَ: يا أبا الدَّرْداءِ، إنَّ لِرَبِّكَ عَلَيْكَ حَقًّا، وإنَّ لأهْلِكَ عَلَيْكَ حَقًّا، وإنَّ لِجَسَدِكَ عَلَيْكَ حَقًّا، فَأعْطِ كُلَّ ذِي حَقٍّ حَقَّهُ. قال: فلما كان وجه الصبح قال:
When Abu Darda رضي الله عنه returned, he welcomed Salman رضي الله عنه and presented him with food. Salman رضي الله عنه asked Abu Darda رضي الله عنه to eat, to which He رضي الله عنه replied: I am fasting. Salman Farsi رضي الله عنه said: I make an oath that I will not eat until you eat.
Salman Farsi رضي الله عنه spent the night with Abu Darda رضي الله عنه. During the night Abu Darda رضي الله عنه got up, but Salman رضي الله عنه prevented him. He رضي الله عنه said: ‘Abu Darda, indeed your Lord has a right over you, your family [wife] has a right over you, and your body has a right over you. So give everything its due right.’ When morning approached, he said:
قُمِ الآنِ. فَقاما فَصَلَّيا، ثُمَّ خَرَجا إلى الصَّلاةِ. قالَ: فَلَمّا صَلّى رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ قامَ إلَيْهِ أبُو الدَّرْداءِ وأخْبَرَهُ بِما قالَ سَلْمانُ. فَقالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ مِثْلَ ما قالَ سَلْمانُ.
‘Stand up now.’ So they both got up and prayed, then went for Salah. When Rasulullah ﷺ finished his prayer, Abu Darda رضي الله عنه went to him and informed him of what Salman رضي الله عنه had said. Rasulullah ﷺ confirmed the statements of Salman رضي الله [1]. عنه
Ibn Hajar Asqalani summarizes the biography of Salman Farsi رضي الله عنه with the following words –
وكان قد سمع بأن النبي ﷺ سيبعث، فخرج في طلب ذلك، فأسر وبيع بالمدينة، فاشتغل بالرّق، حتى كان أول مشاهده الخندق، وشهد بقية المشاهد، وفتوح العراق، وولي المدائن.
He heard that The Prophet ﷺ will soon be sent, so he went in search of him. He was then captured and sold in Madinah and was occupied in slaverly until he participated in Khandaq. He then took part in all the expeditions and the conquest of Iraq. He also owned many gardens.
[1] – Isti’aab fi Ma’rifatil As’hab, Vol: 2, Pg: 637
وروى عبد الرزاق، عن جعفر بن سليمان، عن ثابت، عن أنس: دخل ابن مسعود على سلمان عند الموت. فهذا يدل على أنه مات قبل ابن مسعود، ومات ابن مسعود قبل سنة أربع وثلاثين، فكأنه مات سنة ثلاث أو سنة اثنتين.
Abdur-Razaq San’ani narrated from Anas رضي الله عنه that Ibn Masood رضي الله عنه visited Salman رضي الله عنه at the time of his death. This indicates that he passed away before Ibn Masood رضي الله عنه. Since Ibn Masood رضي الله عنه passed away before 34th Hijri, it can be estimated that Salman رضي الله عنه passed away in the year 33 or 32 Hijri. [1]
أبُو صالِحٍ، حَدَّثَنا اللَّيْثُ، حَدَّثَنِي يَحْيى بنِ سَعِيدٍ، عَنْ سَعِيدِ بنِ المُسَيِّبِ قالَ: التَقى سَلْمانُ وعَبْدُ اللهِ بن سَلاَمٍ فقال أحدهما لصاحبه: إن لقيت ربك قَبْلِي فَأخْبِرْنِي ماذا لَقِيتَ مِنهُ؟ فَتُوُفِّيَ أحَدُهُما فَلَقِيَ الحَيَّ فِي المَنامِ فَكَأنَّهُ سَألَهُ فَقالَ: تَوَكَّلْ وأبْشِرْ فَلَمْ أرَ مِثْلَ التَّوَكُّلِ قَطُّ.
قُلْتُ: سَلْمانُ ماتَ قَبْلَ عَبْدِ اللهِ بِسَنَواتٍ.
A narration of Saeed Ibn Musayib رضي الله عنه: Salman رضي الله عنه once met Abdullah Ibn Salam رضي الله عنه. One said to the other: ‘If you meet your Lord before me then inform me of what you encounter.’ One of them passed away and met the one that was still alive in his dream. It was as though he [the one alive] was asking him [about his encounter]. He said: ‘Have Tawakkul – reliance – on Allah and glad tidings [for the one who has Tawakul]. For I have not seen anything [like] Tawakul.’
I [Imam Dhahabi رضي الله عنه] say: ‘Salman رضي الله عنه passed away before Abdullah Ibn Salam رضي الله عنه by a few years. [So the one who had the dream was Abdullah Ibn Salam رضي الله عنه. H[2]
[1] – Isabah fi Tamyiz Sahaba, Vol: 3, Pg: 120
[2] – Siyar A’lam Nubala, Vol: 4, Pg: 318,
عَبْدُ الرَّزّاقِ: عَنْ جَعْفَرِ بنِ سُلَيْمانَ، عَنْ ثابِتٍ، عَنْ أنَسٍ قالَ: دَخَلَ سَعْدٌ وابْنُ مَسْعُودٍ عَلى سَلْمانَ عِنْدَ المَوْتِ فَبَكى فَقِيلَ لَهُ: ما يُبْكِيكَ؟ قالَ: عهد عهده إلَيْنا رَسُولُ اللهِ -ﷺ- لَمْ نَحْفَظْهُ قالَ: «لِيَكُنْ بَلاَغُ أحَدِكُم مِنَ الدُّنْيا كَزادِ الرّاكِبِ» وأمّا أنْتَ يا سَعْدُ فاتَّقِ اللهَ فِي حُكْمِكَ إذا حَكَمْتَ وفِي قَسْمِكَ إذا قَسَمْتَ وعِنْدَ هَمِّكَ إذا هممت.
قالَ ثابِتٌ: فَبَلَغَنِي أنَّهُ ما تَرَكَ إلّا بِضْعَةً وعِشْرِينَ دِرْهَمًا نُفَيْقَةٌ كانَتْ عِنْدَهُ.
Abdur Razaq رضي الله عنه narrated from Anas رضي الله عنه: Sa’d رضي الله عنه and Ibn Masood رضي الله عنه visited Salman رضي الله عنه at the time of his death. Salman رضي الله عنه was crying, so they asked him the reason why. He replied: ‘The Noble Messenger of Allah ﷺ took a promise from us which I did not keep. He ﷺ said: ‘Let what suffices one of you from this world be similar to the provision that suffices a traveler.’ As for you Sa’d رضي الله عنه, fear Allah when you make a judgment and when you take an oath. Also [fear Allah] when you intend something.’
Thabit رضي الله عنه said: It has reached me that he did not leave behind except over 20 dirhams of expenditure that he had. [Which was a small amount]
شَيْبانُ، عَنْ قَتادَةَ فِي قَوْلِهِ ﴿ومَن عِنْدَهُ عِلْمُ الكِتاب﴾ [الرَّعْدُ ٤٣] قالَ سَلْمانُ وعبد الله بن سلام.
إسْحاقُ الأزْرَقُ، عَنِ ابْنِ عَوْنٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ سِيرِينَ أنَّ النَّبِيَّ -ﷺ- قالَ لأبِي الدَّرْداءِ: «يا عُوَيْمِرُ سَلْمانُ أعْلَمُ مِنكَ لاَ تَخُصَّ لَيْلَةَ الجُمُعَةِ بِقِيامٍ ولاَ يَوْمَها بِصِيامٍ»
[1] – Siyar A’lam Nubala, Vol: 4, Pg: 309
Qatadah رضي الله عنه says regarding the statement of Allah: ‘And the one by him is knowledge of the book,’ ‘This is Salman Farsi رضي الله عنه and Abdullah Ibn Salam رضي الله عنه.’
In a narration of Ibn Sireen رضي الله عنه: The Prophet ﷺ said to Abu Darda رضي الله عنه ‘ Salman رضي الله عنه is more knowledgeable than you, so do not specify the night of Jumu’ah with prayer [Tahajud] and do not [specify] its day for fasting. [1]
— End of Biography —
We pray to Allah that He makes us the true followers of the Sahaba, and instills within us the qualities of this Blessed Group, regarding whom Almighty Allah says – ‘Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Allah’.
May Allah also give us the same zeal of seeking knowledge till our last breath like the companion Salman Farsi [May Allah be pleased with him].
We end with the praise of Allah and salutations be on our Noble Messenger and his family and all the companions.
[1] – Siyar A’lam Nubala, Vol: 4, Pg: 315,
- Usdul Ghabah, Ibn Athir 630 AH, Darul Fikr, Beirut
- Isti’aab fi Ma’rifat As’hab, Ibn Abdil Barr 463 AH, Darul Jalil, Beirut
- Isabah fi Tamyiz Sahaba, Ibn Hajar 852 AH, Darul Kutub Ilmiyah, Beirut
- Siyar A’lam Nubala, Dhahabi 748 AH, Dar Ibn Jawzi, Cairo
- Quran Translation,