Deen Waypoint 'Biographies' Section
Studying the biographies of the pious saints is truly inspirational; many benefits can be extracted from their noble lives. At Deen Waypoint we aim to translate books based on the biographies of the pious from Arabic into English.
Biographies Section
From Luxury to Legacy: The Life of Mus’ab Ibn Umair [Radiyallahu anhu]
Here we find the perfect example of someone who sacrificed everything for Allah and his messenger ﷺ. A true example...
The Blessed Land of Baitul Maqdis – Ibn Jawzi
This article is based on Fadhaill Baitul Maqdis by ibn Jawzi . Ibn Jawzi expounds on the importance and sanctity...
Biography of Salman Farsi
An article on the biography of the famous companion from Persia, Salman Farsi . His biography is very inspirational, and...
Inspirational stories of the pious saints
Inspirational stories of the successors of the companions , based on 'Suwar Min Hayat at-Tabieen'. Motivational and thought-provoking incidents, that...